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Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

The PMP Golden Postcode Hunt

Update The Golden Postcode Hunt has now been extended until the 9th of January, 2026

Win an instant £10

Help find £2,000,000 hidden across the UK in 100,000 Golden Postcodes

It's back and bigger than before! PMP have hidden £20 in 100,000 different postcodes across the UK. Refer your friends in the hunt for our Golden Postcodes. First referral in each Golden Postcode wins you £10, and they win £10 too.

Terms and Conditions

The Golden Postcode Hunt (herein the 'Hunt') is a free-to-play prize draw that is open to new members and existing members of Pick My Postcode (herein 'Pick' or 'We').

There are approximately three quarters of a million UK postcodes that are yet to be registered with Pick My Postcode. We have chosen 100,000 of these postcodes at random and designated them as our "Golden Postcodes".

During the Hunt, if an existing member refers a new member that registers to Pick My Postcode with a Golden Postcode, a prize pot of £20 will be shared equally (£10 each) between the new member and the existing member that referred them.

To be eligible to win the prize pot the new members must:

  • Be referred to Pick My Postcode by an existing member and sign up through their referral link before the Hunt ends.
    Existing members can share the referral links above these terms and conditions.
  • Live in a Golden Postcode and be the first member to register with that postcode.
    New members will be shown a scratchcard confirming this when they have completed the signup process.
  • Complete a claim form to prove that they live in the Golden Postcode by sharing a recent letter from a bank, building society, utility company or similar, clearly showing the address.
    The claim form will be sent to the new member if they win and their response will not be shared with anyone else.
  • We are not able to pay out any bonuses as part of the prize pot for the Golden Postcode Hunt.
  • If a new member cannot prove they live in the Golden Postcode they registered with, the prize pot will be void and the postcode will no longer be eligible for a prize pot.
    This is to prevent fraudulent registrations from determining which postcodes are Golden Postcodes.
  • We reserve the right to withhold the payment of prizes if we suspect fraud (including but not limited to fraudulent registrations) or are for any reason unable to ascertain that the entry or referral is legitimate (including but not limited to referrals that have been incentivised or are resulting from spam communications). Pick's decision is final.
  • Prizes will be paid out via PayPal and it may take up to 10 days following the completion of the claim form by the new member. Existing members will receive their share of the prize pot automatically after the winning new member has been paid.
  • The employees, partners and/or affiliates of Pick My Postcode are not eligible for participation in the Hunt.
  • New members who have not been referred to the site through a referral link or have been referred by members that are not eligible for participation in the Hunt, will also not be eligible for participation in the Hunt. Any such new members will be given a free virtual scratchcard with a random chance to win £10 in its place.
  • Prize pots will not be awarded for changing your current postcode to a Golden Postcode.
  • Claim forms should be submitted by new members within 7 days of winning the Hunt, beginning the calendar day after the win. We reserve the right to declare a win void if a claim form is submitted to us after this time.
  • These rules should be read along side our standard terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookies policy, which apply to all our members.
  • The Golden Postcode Hunt is currently scheduled to end at the close of the day on the 9th of January 2026.
  • Pick may choose to extend the Golden Postcode Hunt at its sole discretion and will update these terms accordingly.