We’ll always value your privacy more than your data, which is why we’re putting you in control.
If you’ve been taking part in the survey draw, you’ll have noticed that we’ve started featuring our own in-house survey tool. I introduced it last month. We know the timing is bad given how poorly some social media companies have treated their users’ data, but there are a number of important reasons why we’re doing this.
The main reason is to customise the ads on the site, so that we can show you less of what you don’t want and more of what you do want. The more we know about you, the less our advertisers need to.
We’ll also be asking you questions that may help us use people power to negotiate better deals or offers, just like we did with Tariff Team. Of course you’ll have to opt-in to the deal when it’s set up, so your email address and details stay with us until you say so.
You might also see some questions that look a bit random, which will be there to provide a talking point or a bit of fun (did you know that FPL members who own fish are more likely to drink tea than coffee). The questions won’t all be serious, but our promise to keep your data safe is.
To that effect, we’ll soon be introducing a new password protected account page, which will let you view, update or remove any in-house surveys you’ve answered for us. It will also better display your general activity within the site.
You’ll still be able to play FPL with just a postcode and email address, but you won’t be able to access your personal data, including your survey answers, until it’s safely locked away behind a password.
Hope that all makes sense!
Chris & Team