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Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Blog Community How to create a shortcut to PMP on your phone

How to create a shortcut to PMP on your phone

by Chris | Community, News, Tips

The more times you visit the site, the more eyeballs we get on the site which means more money from advertisers and more money we can give away in prizes to you! We’re so grateful to all of our loyal users and we’d hate for your postcode to come up and for you to miss it. We don’t have an app (just yet) but there is something you can do to make checking PMP super easy, super fast and to make sure you don’t miss out on any wins!

You can create a shortcut on your home screen that will take you directly to the site through your browser. You can see below that they look just like an app on your phone or tablet. The process is slightly different depending on your phone make and browser. Find yours below, each link will take you to a step-by-step guide.

Android & Firefox

Android & Google Chrome

Android & Opera

iPhone/iPad & Safari

Unfortunately, on Apple devices, this feature is only available through Safari.

Please get in touch via admin@pickmypostcode.com if you have any more questions!