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Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Blog Winner feedback Lucky Birthday Girl Wins £800 on Pick My Postcode

Lucky Birthday Girl Wins £800 on Pick My Postcode

by May | Community, Winner feedback

Bethany Clarke, 29, from Bangor in Northern Ireland, won £803.99 on the Main Draw. 

Bethany Clarke, 29, from Bangor in Northern Ireland, won £803.99 on Pick My Postcode. 
Bethany Clarke, 29, from Bangor in Northern Ireland, won £803.99 on the Main Draw. 

Bethany, who is an office administrator, joined in 2017. The Main Draw had rolled over three times meaning that when she saw her postcode in the winning spot she walked away with £800, alongside her £3.99 bonus. She said that “winning this will mean a lot to me, my fiance and our 3 year old son as it will really help us with Christmas and pay off some of our bills! Life has gotten so expensive recently and everything has went up so it will really help us.” 

Despite checking regularly, she hadn’t had a chance to check her postcode that day as she was in the emergency room with a family member and wasn’t thinking of checking the site. Luckily, her aunt texted her to say it was her postcode that had won, so she plans to spend some of her winnings on treating her and the rest towards bills and Christmas. 

Bethany seems to have had quite the lucky week as only a few days prior to her Pick My Postcode win, in a separate competition she won £6,000 and then it was her birthday. When asked what she would say to those who think Pick My Postcode is too good to be true, she said: “If you’re not in you can’t win! I honestly never thought I would win and even if I did, I never imagined winning a massive £800. I am so grateful.

The site offers multiple opportunities for your postcode to be picked every single day. Pick My Postcode has 769 active members living in the North Down area and since 2017, the residents have won a total of £3,097.86.

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Note: Pick My Postcode, formerly Free Postcode Lottery, is and always will be free.