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Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

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Here at Pick My Postcode, we want to catch you up with everything that’s going on here. You'll find blog posts on everything from winners stories, postcode hunts and the latest bonus boosting offers, we know you will love!

You'll also get the latest lottery updates and news from the Pick My Postcode team, which we hope will make your experience with us as fun as possible.

Howdy Partners!

by Chris | Money Saving, Tips, Websites

One of the great things about a big community like FPL is that we attract some pretty cool businesses that want to work with us. You may have noticed that we’ve been writing about a few of our new partners on our blog. Whilst the arrangements are usually commercial, since we need to fund those prizes, we’ll only shout about the ones that really shouldn’t be missed. FPL + Partner + You = Win Win Win. Here’s our current lineup … Read more

Build Your Bonus & Donate for FREE

by Chris | Charity, News

Head to the Bonus Draw page and keep an eye out for an image like the one above in the “How to build your bonus” section. “Watch now” to launch a 15 second video and you’ll be given a choice of 3 charities for the advertiser to donate 6p too. You’ll also get 6p added to your Bonus! … Read more

We gave away £500,000

by Chris | News

I’m immensely proud to announce that we’ve flown past the £500,000 milestone! So far we’ve given away £544,598 since we launched in 2011. That may seem an arbitrary number, but the thought that we could give away half a million pounds for free surprises even my present self. At current daily pot levels, we should … Read more

Does winning the lottery make you happier?

by Chris | FAQ

It’s January, it’s dreary, and tempting to dream of quick money fixes. We’re all about lots of free chances to win small, but is it worth spending your money for a chance to win big? Academic research on the subject reveals some surprising findings. … Read more

FPL's Christmas Saint

by Chris | Community

Every once in a while an FPLer does something that reminds us that people can be quite decent. When Richard noticed he had been paid both his, and his neighbours share of last Saturday’s £1000 win, he got in touch to pay it back! … Read more

Is your road rude?

by Chris | Community

The residents of Butt Hole Road in Conisbrough, South Yorkshire got so fed up of people making gags about their street name and having photos taken with their bare backsides out next to it that they decided to club together to pay £300 for it to be changed to Archers Way, referring to the medieval … Read more