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Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Formerly Free Postcode Lottery

Get the latest from the Pick My Postcode Blog!

Here at Pick My Postcode, we want to catch you up with everything that’s going on here. You'll find blog posts on everything from winners stories, postcode hunts and the latest bonus boosting offers, we know you will love!

You'll also get the latest lottery updates and news from the Pick My Postcode team, which we hope will make your experience with us as fun as possible.

PMP Passions

by Emma Wright | Community

Since the long Easter weekend is the perfect time to indulge in one’s passions, the PMP Team wanted to share their personal passions with you, our community and also encourage you to share yours with us. 😍 … Read more

PMP Ya Later 2021!

by Chris | News, Statistics

Another (🤔) interesting year is over. 2021 was, of course, dominated by the pandemic and has ended in a cliffhanger as our scientists (🙏) work out quite what this new variant is up to. But, we’ve ended the year mostly vaccinated, having started it only a couple of days after the first vaccine was approved. And… PMP members collectively claimed over £283k for free! … Read more

PMP is going live!

by Chris | Prizes

At 8pm on Monday the 13th of December we will be live on Youtube and Facebook giving away £1,000, kindly donated by our sponsor, Readly! I will be randomly selecting 6 postcodes and announcing them live. All you need to do is put your postcode in, turn up, watch, and claim. So far over 30,000 of you have entered….😱 … Read more